Le virus des inégalités [Alter Échos]

Le virus des inégalités [Alter Échos]

Anaëlle Lucina and Matthias Masini, two journalism students at ULB, étudiants en journalisme à l'ULB, made an assessment of social inequalities in COVID-19 in the Brussels Capital Region, by making municipality-level associations.

The full report, published in Alter Échos, is available via https://www.alterechos.be/longform/le-virus-des-inegalites/.


HELICON is funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy (BELSPO) through the BRAIN-be 2.0 (2018-2023) programme.

BRAIN-be logoBELSPO logo

Information sheet for participants: EN • NL • FR

Project coordinator

Prof. dr. Brecht Devleesschauwer

Sciensano, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Service Health Information
