Impact of the corona crisis on the number of hospitalisations in Belgium [IMA-AIM]

Impact of the corona crisis on the number of hospitalisations in Belgium [IMA-AIM]

The impact of the corona crisis on activity in health facilities is significant. In a first analysis, the Belgian Intermutualistic Agency shows the consequences of the corona crisis on the number of admissions in various services of general hospitals.

The full report is available:

The press release is available:


HELICON is funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy (BELSPO) through the BRAIN-be 2.0 (2018-2023) programme.

BRAIN-be logoBELSPO logo

Information sheet for participants: EN • NL • FR

Project coordinator

Prof. dr. Brecht Devleesschauwer

Sciensano, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Service Health Information